Ask any new mom who consciously made the choice to stay home and raise her own kids if she is ‘living the dream,’ and I guarantee her answer will be, “ABSOLUTELY…..except when I’m not.”

Once the bills settle in from the change in lifestyle required for a one income household in the 21st century, this dream mom job might shift, and cause her to become a solo-entrepreneur to make ends meet.

I’ve been living that dream (that has sometimes felt like a nightmare when I’ve had only three hours sleep) for the past 10 years, and I have some tips for success I outline in my Yahoo! Voices article:

Prioritize throughout your day, and use the kids’ needs to your advantage.


Let your goals evolve alongside your kids.


Organization is key…except when it’s not.


Read on for a new definition of yourself…..


Are you a solopreneur mom?  If so, or if you want to be, please share your ideas below!

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom