I have an idea!

I know what you’re saying…”So what else is new, Mary, you get ideas all the time. How do we know this one is any different than all those others written in your little notebook?!”

First of all, my notebook isn’t so little. Secondly, I’m totally devouring and digesting this one until it becomes…no not that…a book full of Everything Mommy Loves.

I need your help, however. This idea isn’t about me, it’s about all other Mothers who can express themselves and Everything Mommy Loves in 140 characters or less.

If you are up to the challenge, and want your Mommy Love shouted out to the world, please visit MommyLoves140 and find out how you can contribute.  (The title of the actual book will be much more glamorous and catch, I promise!)  Pass this on to every Mom you know, and let’s see how far around the world the Mommy Love spreads.  Love is the universal language, after all…or is that music?

If we get enough Moms to participate and share meaningful, insightful, snarky, loving, sarcastic, nurturing, funny (you get the picture) messages about Everything MommyLoves in 140 characters or less, I will do all the work to publish the book created by all the amazing messages by amazing mothers, and all those contributing get their name/twitter/facebook/business name/website/etc. included!  I will donate all profits to a children’s charity, and would love some ideas on those you love!  Just give me some suggestions, and together we can make a difference in a few more lives.

The page listed above says it all, and if you have any questions or comments you know where to find me, right?!

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Mom ~ Entrepreneur